Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Spiderman 3 - Movie Review

Spiderman 3 - Movie Review

Biggest movie of 2007!

And it sucked

Warning spoilers

There are so many things wrong with this movie, in fact its so bad that it is actually hilarious . I laughed harder at this then i do at most comedies.

Here is what i got out of spiderman 3

* If someone kills your father, steal his girlfriend
* Pie is sooo good
* Mary jane's lips taste like strawberry
* Who gives a fuck about a giant crane destroying the city, you saved some hot chick!
* Watch out for the symbiont , it will make you a piano playing,jazz dancing,emo evil son of a bitch!
* Weird scientific test facilities are guarded only by a 5 foot tall fence.
* Stan lee is an amazing actor, therefor he does not need a reason to make a cameo, nor does he need well written lines.
* Who needs Spider-Man to save the day and whip ass when we can watch Peter cry and dance badly for 90 minutes?
* Norman Osbourne apparently had a cheesy velvet painting of himself made before he died.
* If you become Venom, you can find the Sandman in the nearest dark alley.
* Venom likes being bad, it makes him happy
* American news reporters have British accents.
* Pumpkin bombs can destroy chunks of buildings , however if it explodes on harry , it turns him into the phantom of the opera.

Cheesy lines,bad cgi,and a terrible plot all made this a pretty shitty movie, they had about 5 storylines going on at the same time and they where all badly developed. I felt like it was all just some sick joke by Sam Raimi , i was hoping he would pop up somewhere and say "Gotcha bitch! heres the real spiderman 3 , the one with a script that doesn't suck massive dick". But sadly that never happened

This movie was 2 and a half hours to long

i give it a 2 out of 5.

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